Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ayurvedic Treatment for Arthritis

Arthritis is caused by damage to the joints and has become quite widespread in the present day world. Many people above 35 years of age are suffering from arthritis today. There are different forms of arthritis, of which the most common one is osteoarthritis (also known as degenerative bone joint disease). Though the treatment of arthritis is available in allopathy, homoeopathy and other medicine systems, Ayurveda is gaining more and more nationwide popularity day by day.

 Arthritis as per Ayurveda: As per Ayurveda, arthritis can be defined as joint pain, caused by the aggravation of vata (air) dosha and excessive collection of amla (toxic byproduct of improper digestion) in the body of an individual. When amla increases, it starts getting deposited in the weaker areas of the body. When it starts accumulating in the joints and if at the same time aggravation of vata takes place, the result is Amlavata, in other words arthritis.

 Arthritis treatment in Ayurveda: In Ayurveda, the treatment of arthritis centres on the digestion of amla and reduction of vata, simultaneously. Along with that, efforts are undertaken to reduce the pain as well as the inflammation of joints. The major steps, recommended under Ayurveda, for arthritis treatment are:
1. First and foremost step recommended under Ayurvedic arthritis treatments consist of fasting. It helps in the digestion of amla.

2. Massage with Antivatatailas like Karpasasthyadi, Kethakeemooladi, Dhanwantharam oil, etc helps in the reduction of vata and reduces the pain. Concentrate more on the sore joints.
3. Take hot, bitter and astringent items.
4. Don't expose yourself to wind, cold, mist and drizzle.
5. Cover the body and heat with flannel.
6. Arthritic people must take special care of their diet. Under Ayurvedic treatments for arthritis, people are recommended to eat such food that does not lead to the creation of gas in the body. They should also avoid hot, spicy and fried foods as well as sweets. Things like tea, coffee, alcohol, white sugar, yogurt, chocolate and cocoa should be taken in moderation.

Medicated oils like kethakeemooladi, kottamchukkadi, sahacharadi, dhanwantharam etc. can be used for Vasti, Nasya, Abhyangam, Pizhichil etc. Kashayams like Dhanwantharam, Rasnadi, Indukantham, Gulikas like Yogaraja gulgulu, aisoragulgulu etc. can be given.Panchakarma treatment is also given according to the condition of the patient.

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